Slightly plump beauty

141 0 2023-11-16

Too thin! Not full of make-up. If you want to get fat, you have to try it.

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Who says being too thin is good! Many people complain that they want to gain weight and gain weight.

Makeup can be very beautiful.

For many people who want to gain weight forever, this is a frustrating problem. Because no matter how much you eat, your weight will not increase, and your cheeks will not be full - just grabbing bones, no matter what you wear, it is still not beautiful, and your body is not perfect.

The makeup has come out, but your face shape is not very satisfactory.

Try eating food to gain weight. Eating sweet fruits will still gradually increase weight, rather than immediately. What should I do?

As long as the technology is good, these problems will be solved. We are trying to apply it to those who want to gain weight, be slim, beautiful, good-looking, and confident

Add some weight

This is normal for people who are too thin.

Usually, one face answers most questions, and the cheeks answer most questions.

Some people's cheeks even look like deep grooves.

Until the makeup looks imperfect.

There is no soft water in the world that your heart desires.

Do you want to gain weight?

Gain weight by consuming all 5 beneficial foods for the body, with a focus on mixed foods containing carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and vitamins.

Don't focus too much on carbohydrates.

For girls who have no fat accumulation in their bodies or can eat in small amounts, try dividing your day into 4-6 small meals and adding snacks between the two meals, such as 1 cup of almonds, 1 cup of milk, etc.

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Vitamin C. Good for you.

Let's take some supplements like vitamin C and then take some.

This is beneficial for people who want to gain weight.

Because vitamin C can stimulate the production of collagen in the skin layer, enhance the structure of collagen, make it healthy and bright, and make the skin tighter.

Tightening makes your skin smooth and beautiful. The water has noticeably softened.

It also helps to strengthen the body's immune system, and women who consume 1000-2000 milligrams of vitamin C daily have the best effect. And a regular diet

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Injecting fillers to increase shallowness

For those with a budget, we can choose to inject fillers.

This is because the filling material contains hyaluronic acid, which has the ability to combine with water and absorb water from the skin layer.

Helps to make the skin of deep grooves or cheeks appear lighter, smoother, and fuller, and helps girls make their makeup look fuller. More beautiful but this method is quite expensive. Conduct thorough research before deciding on injection.

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Exercise helps.

Just girls working out, focusing on the type of weight Exercises for different parts of the body Muscles and strong body structure Avoid calorie-burning cardio exercises such as running, cycling, etc., as this can further reduce weight.

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Taking birth control pills

Women who take birth control pills can cause weight gain and help their skin look plump. This method is suitable for people who want to gain weight, but this method may be suitable for some people and also depends on the brand of the contraceptive pill.

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Choose fruits that can help in weight loss.

Let's look for some fruits that we like to consume in large quantities on a regular basis. It will help us gain weight without difficulty. But beware of fruits with high sugar content like mango, rambutan, durian, pineapple nectar as these fruits are very sweet. Eating too much of them can have a negative impact on your body.

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Cheek fat transplantation

This is injecting fat into the deep grooves of the cheeks in different parts of the body, such as the abdomen and thighs, to help make the cheeks look as full as we want.

This is a safe method because fat is injected into our own body tissues.

It will not cause fat to flow to other areas, nor will it harden the skin.

It will also gather together. In most cases, the injected fat can stabilize for about 3 months,

Don't worry about being thin, because this is the path we leave for those who want to gain weight. Let's try applying it.

If you adopt the right diet, you can gain weight.

For example, weightlifting exercises can help gain weight.

Increasing hydration and reducing cheek problems are very suitable for girls.

This makeup looks very beautiful.

It's not difficult to dress perfectly, you will have over a hundred confidence lines.

But be careful not to make it too fat.

It may have negative effects on your body in the future.


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